* Is It for me? Before taking the leap, consider all the factors surrounding buy to let and becoming a landlord. Consider how you will maintain the mortgage repayments should the property remain vacant for any length of time. Will your income support both your own mortgage and the buy to let mortgage? Consider theContinue reading “TOP TIPS FOR WANNABE LANDLORDS | KEY TO MORTGAGES”

There are two options when re-mortgaging. Either stay with your current lender or switch to a new lender who’s offering a better deal.

There are two options when re-mortgaging Either stay with your current lender or switch to a new lender who’s offering a better deal. You can complete this yourself or use a broker like me to find you the best deal. Later in this article, I’ll compare going direct vs using a broker but for now,Continue reading “There are two options when re-mortgaging. Either stay with your current lender or switch to a new lender who’s offering a better deal.”

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